Seasons of Love: A Jadecest Fanzine

Drawn in by the promise of sweet love, the Jadecest community brings you the first ever Jadecest zine: Seasons of Love. Whether you're looking for a springtime romance, a fiery conflict, or a frosty reconnection, there is something for everyone.

Digital Zine available here

Leftovers can be ordered here


'Seasons of Love: A Jadecest Fanzine' centers around the Twin Jades’ romantic relationship throughout the seasons and their life. Each creator will be assigned a season. Follow the prompts or make your own story, the choice is yours.

🌸 Spring 🌸

Growing Up Together | Hope | Blossoming

With Spring comes new hope, new love, and new chances. The hardships of winter have melted away, leaving nature to be reborn. A young Jade's heart begins to blossom, promising an unexpected path. Will this bloom into the purest intimacy, or does a disastrous path lie ahead?

✨ Summer ✨

Young Adulthood | Passion | Adventure

Summer begins with a bang, leaving behind the naivity of spring in favour of adventure. The Jades have grown up and are excited to build a life for themselves. But have they truly thought through what indulgence may bring? Or are their fates changed forever?

🏮 Autumn 🏮

Evolution | Uncertainty | Lanterns

Autumn is an unwelcome friend for some but a breath of fresh air for others. The recklessness of Summer has died down, leaving uncertainty in its wake. It is easy to become lost in a time of eternal hibernation. But hold your heads up high, for with change comes evolution.

☁️ Winter ☁️

Growing Old Together | Inner Peace | Meditation

Winter is often a time of returning to one's roots and cherishing forgotten memories. The leaves of Autumn have flown by and left familiarity in its place. Will the Jades be satisfied with what they find or will the ice become bloodied with misfortune?


12/21/23: Applications Open
01/15/24: Applications Close
01/22/24: Send Out Assignments
02/21/24: 1st Check-In (share a rough outline of your idea, as well as tags and cws)
03/21/24: 2nd Check-In (writers: share at least 50% of your work, artists: share at least a line art)
04/21/24: Writer Deadline, Last Call for Pinch Hitters
05/01/24: Beta Reader Deadline
05/10/24: Final Submissions for All Creators
05/25/24: Preorders Open
06/23/24: Preorders Close
08/24: Production Done, Shipping Zines
10/24 Leftover Sales Open


General Guidelines

★ Applicants must be at least 18 years of age as of the opening of our applications. Due to the proximity of working with NSFW, no minors will be accepted.
★ Applicants must be respectful to all other contributors and mods, as well as responsive and open to communication.
★ Applicants must be conscientious of our schedule and deadlines as well as mindful of their own limitations. If you are unable to meet a deadline, please contact any of the mods for an extension at least a week prior to the final deadline.
★ Please ensure that any email address or social media accounts provided are active and checked regularly.
★ When applying, please make sure that your links to other sites or documents are easily accessible! If you're using Google Drive, please double check your sharing permission is set to everyone accessing the link can view. If you are not sure whether or not you did this correctly, you can check by testing your link in an incognito tab.
★ In case permission will be required, we will ask for permission once before the end of our application period - if we can't view your work before applications close, we will unfortunately have to void your application.
★ Please note that while pieces can include polyships/background relationships that may be mentioned or alluded to, final pieces must solely focus on Jadecest.

Artist Application Guidelines

★ Please provide a link to your portfolio, as well as three sample pieces. Submitted pieces are not required to be MDZS/MXTX related, but are encouraged.
★ If you are applying as a NSFW artist, please ensure that your portfolio and/or sample pieces include some examples of NSFW.
★ Ensure that samples reflect your current style and skills.

Merch Artist Application Guidelines

★ Please provide a link to your portfolio, as well as three sample pieces. Submitted pieces are not required to be MDZS/MXTX related, but are encouraged. Your portfolio can be a shop link as long as your shop is updated with merchandise (a link to an Etsy store with only 1 item, for example, is not sufficient).
★ Please ensure that at least two of your samples incorporate merch design and reflect the desired merch type you wish to create.
★ You are not required to have physical merch photos in your portfolio. The design is sufficient.

Writer Application Guidelines

★ Your three sample pieces must have a minimum of 500 words and a maximum of 1500 words.
★ Samples may include one-shots and excerpts of longer works. If providing excerpts, please ensure context for the work is also provided.
★ One of your submitted works must be a completed piece.
★ Ao3 is accepted. If providing a link to a Google doc, please ensure that we can access the document.
★ If you are applying as a NSFW writer, please ensure that your portfolio and/or sample pieces include some examples of NSFW.
★ If submitting poetry, the minimum word count is 200 words.


A zine is a collection of fanworks, typically containing art and writing, self published into both physical booklets and digital pdfs.

This zine is a small project with a limited audience and will run on a pay for production basis. We won't be making any profit from it, which is why we won't be able to provide free copies to contributors. There will be a free pdf version for everyone, however, and if we sell more copies than expected we will provide free merch to contributors.

This zine is pay for production.

The zine will ship from central USA. If you plan to buy a physical copy, please consider shipping costs to your country.

Yes, there will be a free digital version.

Please reach out to FoxyYaoguai or Hanguang_Jun to get an invite link. Joining the discord server is just for fun and not required for participation in the zine.

Feel free to contact one of the moderators. We will get back to you as soon as we can.



Foxy is obsessed with the Twin Jades, loves writing fanfiction about them, is the admin of the Jadecest Discord, and loves to organize fandom events.

Twitter | Tumblr | Discord


Lan Xichen is Dina's meow meow.

Twitter | Discord


Gee is a multi-shipper with a love for the soft older brother type and writer of angsty romance fics.



Ghostie is a wild multishipper who would absolutely sneak Emperor's Smile into the Cloud Recesses.



Dorian will carve the Twin Jades likeness onto the face of the Wall of Discipline.



Creator applications have officially closed, please expect a message with your assignment soon. Beta Reader sign ups will stay open until 04/21/2024.